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Jacqueline & Keaton — Minted




Jacqueline and Keaton
Jacqueline and Keaton

Please join us for our wedding celebration on

95 days until the big day!

~ Our Love Story ~

Keaton and Jackie met through the magic of MGM, corporate, and it only took Keaton a full month to actually speak to her. Fortunately, the extended closure of their office gave them many opportunities for local adventure or cross-country road trips to new places and experiences, and spared them from dating as coworkers. That time together fostered the rapid growth of their love while simultaneously demonstrating to each other their fortitude in adverse circumstances. Keaton's ability to bring happiness and joy into any situation was the perfect complement to Jackie's light and positivity. In July of 2022, Keaton and Jackie were happily engaged and set forth on the beginning of their lives as one. They sealed their love, in the eyes of the government, on February 10th of 2023 and are blessed to have another ceremony to celebrate their union, this time with all their loved ones (this includes you)!